Contract Assignments

Occasionally, clients will require a more dedicated evaluation of their properties, or engineering assistance on time-sensitive projects such as acquisitions. Keystone stands ready to work in-house for the client on a contract basis as needed.

Past contract assignments have included:

  • Classic reservoir engineering (material balance, pressure transient analysis, water influx, decline curve analysis, etc.)
  • Identification and technically recoverable resource (TRR) estimation of behind-pipe reservoirs
  • Faulted reservoir field studies for pressure communication, sealing extent, common water contacts, etc.
  • Critical review of third-party engineering reports (conventional or unconventional resources)
  • Core-log analysis and integration for petrophysical characterization
  • Undeveloped location TRR estimation, resource classification and categorization
  • Prospect evaluation
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Data room visits